NEW YORK. Oct. 3.--Marconi's work more than met expectations. During the race 2500 words in bulletin service were sent to the Herald and received without loss of time. An average of less than a minute elapsed between the writing of a bulletin and its receipt in the Herald office. Not one message had to be repeated. |
"Racers away; both yachts flying mainsail, club topsails, spinnakers, staysails, jib and jib topsails. Running before wind down the Jersey coast. Wind about eight knots and freshening."Following this were bulletins giving more accurate descriptions of the work being done, and there was joy on the Ponce when word came back that everything was working so perfectly that only a very few seconds separated the chart room within which the sending was being done and the offices of the Herald and The Call. During those early moments of the race, when favoring winds filled the sails of the challenger while the cup defender was floundering a bit uncertain in the smooth sea, every breeze was described. The fifth bulletin read thus: "Shamrock apparently leading slightly. Both balloon jibs spilling wind, but Shamrock's sail is drawing the better. Course clear."